Monday, 26 October 2015

My First 'Last Working Day'

Not many people are fortunate enough to look back at their very first job and have a smile on their face. Well, Am grinning! Almost 3 years, and yet the clichéd line ‘ It just feels like yesterday’ is exactly what I felt. It was time to pack all the dolls and idols I bought/ won and was gifted, myriads of invitation cards from my colleagues, the small pieces of paper on which I had drawn my very intricate art designs during heated meetings and concalls (Most people tend to scribble, but hey, Why not sharpen your skills instead!). I had other stuff to pack too. Things that meant much more – My memories and learnings.

My first day in an office was unlike most other campus recruits since I had no one from my college/ school. An entirely new crowd, many of whom would go on to be my mentors, guides, friends, gossip-mates and colleagues. I had miles to go, ahead of me and being my very first job, I must say, I had no clue of what I was going to do. I had to learn the rules of the game and then follow those rules, I had to be a game changer when some of the rules didn’t make sense, I had to try and be as valuable to my team as the team was to me, I had to prove that I was as passionate about work as I was about dancing in every office event. And after all this, I had to make sure I stayed sane. J

When I was in school, my father once took my mother and me to visit his office. I still remember, most of whom I got introduced to would speak so highly of him. To me it was almost as if he was the stud without whom the entire office would just stop functioning. I beamed with pride. After the whole tour, we got to our car and just as my father was out of the parking he shrugged and said – ‘At your job, everyone is replaceable’. It didn’t make sense to me then but now I understood what that meant - anybody could do what I did with just a few days of training. So what difference would I be able to make? Eventually, I would just be a memory, a name that might come up when months later, the slides I had created would be used. But that wasn’t enough. Perhaps this thought was what drove me to try and contribute further. Maybe the fact still remained – ‘Everyone is replaceable’ but no harm trying!

Any little step that would help unclutter a process, any idea that may perhaps help in more effective work or reducing timelines, any data that would help understand our clients better. The ideas were definitely coming, but putting it to good use is always the challenging part. You need a Boss who was willing to (first) hear your idea and your rationale and then put it to use, atleast on a Trial mode. I was blessed with someone who not only trusted my abilities but also was ready to take a fall in case, some of them didn’t work. Also, my entire team which was exactly what it was – A team in the true sense of the word.

Over the course of my three years I was polished, tempered and filed. I learnt where to channel my energy and where to ignore. I learnt that to be a professional, you not only had to do your job well, but also do it right and with a honest conscience. And this, I will very much carry with me wherever I go.

It is said that your first job always leaves a mark. Mine’s left an entire encyclopedia.

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